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The Twenty-third Annual International Conference on COMPOSITES/NANO ENGINEERING (ICCE-23)
Author:   Time:2018年07月15日 10:17     Hits: 

The Twenty-third Annual International Conference on



July 12-18, 2015 Chengdu, China



The ICCE-23 will be the largest conference on composites in summer 2015 in Asia attended by over one thousand participants.  We are proud to have top ICCE-23 keynote speakers including Nobel laureate lectures, such as


Akira Suzuki Nobel Laureate Chemistry year 2010

Tsu-Wei Chou  (U. Delaware) 4th highest cited person in Mat.Science in the world, editor Comp. Sci Tech

Na Lu (Univ.,North Carolina Charlotee) US NSF young investigator award, energy materials

Ram Mohan (North Carolina A&T State U.) computational expert

Joseph Nogues (UAB, Spain)   physics of materials, one of top scientists in Spain

Shiren Wang (Texas A&M U.) US NSF young investigator award, nano scientist

Zhishen Wu (Southeasten U., Nanjing) PI 973 project, most prestigious funded project in China, civil Eng.

Masahiro Yoshimura (National Cheng Kung U., Tainan)  over ten thousand citations

Liqun Zhang (Beijing U.Chem.Tech.) Cheung Jiang Scholar, organic inorganic chemistry

Min-Hao Zhu (SWJTU, Chengdu)  Cheung Jiang Scholar, wear of composites

1Akira Suzuki  2010年诺贝尔奖化学奖得住;

2Tsu-Wei Chou  特拉华大学教授,世界上材料科学领域引用次数排名第4Comp. Sci Tech期刊主编;

3Na Lu  北卡罗来纳大学教授,美国国家科学基金会青年科学家奖获得者,新能源材料;

4Ram Mohan  北卡罗来纳农工州立大学教授,计算材料学专家;

5Joseph Nogues  巴塞罗那自治大学教授,材料物理学,是西班牙顶级科学家之一;

6Shiren Wang  德州农工大学教授,美国国家科学基金会青年科学家奖获得者,纳米材料;

7Zhishen Wu  东南大学教授,973项目科学家,土木工程;

8Masahiro Yoshimura  台湾国立成功大学教授,超过一万的引用次数;

9Liqun Zhang  北京化工大学教授,有机、无机化学;

10Min-Hao Zhu  西南交通大学,复合材料磨损行为。


After the conference, the authors have the option to expanded the two pager to become full-length papers and these papers will be reviewed for possible publication in any one of the 13 SCI-rated journals which David Hui is currently serving as editorial board members:  The number in parenthesis shows the most recent impact factor for year 2013.

会议结束后,作者可以选择将两页短论文扩展成一篇正式的全文,这些文章可能会出版于任何一个David Hui任编委的SCI期刊中。以下是David Hui所任编委的SCI期刊以及相应2013年的IF

Composites B journal (2.602 Elsevier)  current five-year impact factor is 2.91

International Journal of Mechanical Sciences (2.061 Elsevier)

Journal of Nanomaterials   (1.611)

Current Nanoscience (1.422)

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (1.339)

Textile Research Journal   (1.332)

Reviews on Advanced Materials Science   (1.287)

International Journal of Nanotechnology (1.144)

Journal of Mining and Metallurgy section B-Metallurgy (1.135)

Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience   (1.032)

Metalurgija (0.755)

Science and Engineering of Composite Materials (0.593)

Transactions of FAMENA (0.233)

Composites B journal  (影响因子2.602)目前的五年影响因子为2.91

International Journal of Mechanical Sciences  (影响因子2.061

Journal of Nanomaterials  (影响因子1.611

Current Nanoscience  (影响因子1.422

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology  (影响因子1.339

Textile Research Journal  (影响因子1.332

Reviews on Advanced Materials Science  (影响因子1.287

International Journal of Nanotechnology  (影响因子1.144

Journal of Mining and Metallurgy section B-Metallurgy  (影响因子1.135

Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience  (影响因子1.032

Metalurgija  (影响因子0.755

Science and Engineering of Composite Materials  (影响因子0.593

Transactions of FAMENA  (影响因子0.233

As a worst case, such full-length papers can be quickly reviewed for publication in World Journal of Engineering, this is  SCOPUS journal.  Thus, 100% of all full-length papers presented at ICCE-23 will be published in these reputable journals (unless participants prefer otherwise).



Topics covered, but not limited to these,

Bio materials: Nano

Chemistry of Nano

Mat Chemistry

Materials: novel

Mathematical Modeling

General Applications

Infrastructure Composites


Nano Processing

Oxide Materials

Physics of Materials

Textile Composites




Participants who plan to attend ICCE-23 should submit paper title immediately to David Hui.  The ICCE-23 requires detailed  two-page short paper, each page two-columns, with graphs to show results.

参加ICCE-23会议的人员应该立即提交文章题目给David HuiICCE-23需要详细的两页简短的论文,每一页分成两列,并且包含图表一起展示结果

The pre-registration fee before May 1, 2015 is US $400 (currently registered student with photo ID is US $260) higher afterwards.    Due to scholarship from China government, which is available to only teachers or scholars in any university in China, the registration fee for those participants in China, is, before May 1, 2015,  2000 RMB, student rate is 1000 RMB, higher afterwards.



Special feature:  Nobel Laureate lecture, Akira Suzuki,  ICCE Lecture Dr. Tsu-Wei Chou and over 100 Pandas in Panda zoo in Chengdu, Emei Mountain (top two most famous mountains in China, only 30 min high-speed train from Chengdu airport).


1)诺贝尔奖得主Akira Suzuki的演讲;

2)著名材料学家Tsu-Wei Chou博士的演讲;




Cross-Coupling Reactions of Organoboranes:  An Easy Way  for Carbon-Carbon Bonding

Akira Suzuki, Nobel Laureate of Chemistry, year 2010, Professor Emeritus, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

Reactions in which new carbon-carbon bonds are formed are key steps in building the complex, bio-active molecules developed as medicines and agrochemicals.  They are also vital in developing the new generation of ingeniously-designed organic  materials with novel electronic, optical or mechanical properties, likely to play a significant role in the burgeoning area of nanotechnology.  The palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction between organoboranes and organic halides in the presence of base was first developed about 30 years ago.  It offers a powerful and general methodology for forming carbon-carbon bonds.  The scope of the reaction has continued to evolve and broaden to meet modern synthetic requirements.  The reaction has proved to be extremely versatile.  It was first carried out between alkenyl reactants but over the years, it has extended the range to couple carbons in aryl, alkyl and alkynyl groups under a wide variety of conditions.

ICCE-23  诺贝尔讲座


2010年诺贝尔化学奖得主Akira Suzuki,北海道大学名誉教授



Nanocarbons based composites and energy storage devices

Tsu-Wei Chou, Univ. of Delaware,  4th highest cited scientist in materials science in the world

Advancements in the science and technology of carbon nanotube (CNT) and graphene (GR) materials have provided the impetus for their application in multifunctional nanocomposites. This presentation will first review the state-of-the-art of characterization and modeling of continuous CNT fiber as well as CNT/GR hybrid fiber. Next, we explore the electromechanical behavior of nanocarbon based composites aiming for their applications in damage sensing and stretchable conductors. Lastly, recent advancements in CNT fiber as well as GR based supercapacitors will be discussed, which have the potential to be integrated with wearable electronic devices and composites.



Tsu-Wei Chou,特拉华大学,材料科学领域引用次数排名第四的科学家



联系人:David Hui             地址:美国新奥尔良大学

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